Asset Management KPI Dashboards & Component Change Out Tracking Tools

Asset Management KPI Dashboards & Component Change Out Tracking Tools

Barrick Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic – 2021-2022

Barrick Pueblo Viejo engaged MTS to develop a suite of asset management KPI dashboards based on their Hexagon Jigsaw Fleet Management System data. This solution replaced their manual reporting that was previously in place.

Not only did this result in the asset management team saving time, but also led to higher accuracy of data and more focus on decision making (versus data preparation).

Additionally, MTS collaborated with the Barrick mobile maintenance team to develop a tool that enables tracking of a component throughout its life cycle. This yielded a reduction in component turnaround time and the associated cost.

Process Plant & Mobile Asset Management Visualisations

Process Plant & Mobile Asset Management Visualisations

Nevada Gold Mines Long Canyon, 2018-2019

MTS developed a suite of customised dashboards to convert the site’s FMS and process plant data into focused and actionable information. Designed to tackle immediate business challenges, the solutions were mocked up and iterated with the Long Canyon team in a series of agile development sprints. The completed dashboards help the site to further streamline on-site decision making.

Asset Health Technology and System Development

Asset Health Technology and System Development

Newmont Suriname , Merian Mine, Suriname, 2016-2023

From Data to Information…

Since 2016 MTS has provided advanced support to this greenfield operation to build and develop systems to support Asset Health function. This collaborative project included the creation of custom reports, dashboards, interfaces and productivity tools specific to the operation’s business needs. MTS listened to the customer’s needs to provide creative technology-based solutions which lever off multiple data streams to provide information via user-friendly platforms. This visibility gives the customer the ability to make informed and timely decisions to manage the health of their assets and optimise their processes. Additionally, MTS assisted with ERP and planning systems integration, user training and delivery of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

David Hogg, Assistant Superintendent, Mine Maintenance, Merian Mine

Centralised Asset Health Centre

Centralised Asset Health Centre

Nevada Gold Mines, American Asset Health Centre, Nevada, USA, 2017-2023

MTS delivered advanced productivity tools enabling a centralised group of condition intelligence analysts to make timely analysis of mobile equipment health data from sites across the region. Their objective is to prevent early equipment failures, extend component life, and improve the overall reliability of the mobile fleet.

The project involved a substantial amount of data warehousing, BI customisation and user training.

NAAHC, Courtesy of Nevada Gold Mines; All Rights Reserved