Effective Haul Road Management: A South American Gold Mine Case Study

Effective Haul Road Management: A South American Gold Mine Case Study


Effective haul road management is crucial for optimising productivity and minimising costs in the mining industry. This case study highlights how a South American gold mine utilised Haul Road Explorer (HRE) to identify and address a significant haul road bottleneck, resulting in substantial operational improvements.

The Challenge

The mine operated with a known bottleneck on its main haul ramp, restricting traffic to one-way operations. This was the result of continuous poor weather inducing a landslip event, narrowing the road. While the issue was recognised, the mine struggled to quantify the exact impact on production and remediation works were consequently mothballed. This bottleneck, combined with the management of an extensive road network, posed significant challenges in optimising operations and controlling costs.


Upon implementing HRE, the mine initiated an investigation into the impact of the haul road bottleneck. By employing the Road Work Priority Assistant (RWPA) tool, the mine quickly identified the main haul ramp as one of the top five roads experiencing the highest tonnage losses. It was estimated that a total of 6,000 tonnes per week were being lost on this ramp.

Effective Haul Road Management: A South American Gold Mine Case Study

Further analysis using the replay tool provided a clear visualisation of haul truck traffic flow. The tool revealed that empty trucks entering the pit were forced to come to a near standstill to allow priority-loaded trucks to exit. HRE clearly demonstrated the severity of the bottleneck and its detrimental effect on productivity.

To enhance the investigation process, the mine leveraged HRE’s inspection tool to capture and geolocate images of road conditions. This visual documentation provided a comprehensive overview of the road network, further enabling rapid identification of potential issues. By sharing these images with road maintenance teams, the mine facilitated prompt and targeted repairs.

The Solution

Based on the findings of the investigation, the mine prioritised remediation works on the main haul ramp. HRE was instrumental in quantifying the impacts of the bottlenecked road. To optimise overall haul road performance, the mine implemented a comprehensive approach:

Tactical Actions:

  • Prioritisation and Task Management: HRE was used to identify critical road segments and assign tasks to drive accountability and track progress.
  • Immediate Remediation: Material blockage was cleared from the road surface, re-establishing two-way traffic and restoring productivity.
  • Preventative Measures: Drainage infrastructure on the ramp was improved to effectively manage water runoff and prevent the recurrence of road narrowing.

Strategic Actions:

  • Integrated Planning: Road maintenance was formally integrated into weekly operational planning cycles, ensuring proactive issue resolution.
  • Prioritisation: A focus on high-return-on-investment (ROI) repairs was implemented, shifting resources from cosmetic fixes to critical maintenance.
  • Collaborative Framework: Clear roles and responsibilities were defined for different teams, fostering a collaborative approach and efficient problem-solving.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: HRE continued use provided valuable data to inform road maintenance, repairs, and resource allocation.

The implementation of HRE and subsequent remediation efforts yielded impressive results:

The Results

Increased Throughput: By eliminating the bottleneck on the main haul ramp, the mine achieved a remarkable increase of 38,000 tonnes per week (est. incremental haulage network throughput), translating to an estimated incremental revenue of $174,880.

Effective Haul Road Management: A South American Gold Mine Case Study

Reduced Road Alarms: The frequency of road-related alarms from trucks decreased by 43%, indicating improved road conditions and reduced equipment damage.

Improved Road Maintenance: Integrating road maintenance into weekly planning cycles enhanced proactive issue resolution.


This case study underscores the value of HRE in identifying and addressing critical haul road challenges. By quantifying the impact of the bottleneck and implementing targeted solutions, the mine achieved significant productivity gains and cost savings. This success story highlights the importance of data-driven decision-making, collaboration, and technology in optimising haul road performance.